The Turbiwatt Company

Turbiwatt has developed turbines specifically adapted to the exploitation of low heads. Since 2010, with the help of the CEA, Turbiwatt has developed a range of products dedicated to run-of-river applications, profitable and efficient from 1.20 m head. The objective was to favour a simple, robust, economical and standardised design to achieve a competitive cost price for low power but without compromising performance.
Today, Turbiwatt has a complete range, producing from 2 to 130 kW per unit with excellent overall efficiency (+/- 80%). Silent and immersed, Turbiwatt turbines are free of noise and visual nuisance. Ultra-compact, their installation is greatly facilitated (generator integrated into the turbine).
With more than 150 installations in a dozen countries (France, Germany, Austria, Japan etc.), Turbiwatt has built up a solid experience in the entire deployment of hydroelectricity projects.
Our Story
Exploiting the considerable potential of low waterfalls.
Turbiwatt was created in 2010 based on the idea that it was necessary to develop specific turbines to exploit low waterfalls. These turbines had to be simple, robust, economical, and standardized. The objective was to offer a competitive cost price but without compromising performance.
As soon as it was created, Turbiwatt invested in R&D, with the support of a private investment fund. Shortly afterward, the T250 turbine (600W) was developed. It initiates the concept that will prevail on all Turbiwatt ranges; constant speed, industrial simplification, and energy directly produced to network standards.
Subsequently, the industrial range currently marketed is launched with the development of the T800 turbine (6 to 55kW).
In 2013, based on technological achievements and the validation of tests on prototypes, a new investment was made to finance the development and marketing of the range with the T400 (2 to 12kW).
In 2016 Turbiwatt was selected by Gruyère Energie (CH) and Romande Energie (CH) to equip reserved flows of large hydroelectric power plants.
In 2017 the development of the T1300 (24 to 130kW) and the innovative grid coupling cabinet are launched. In the same year, Turbiwatt is the winner of a European call for tender by HSE (Holding Slovenske Electrarne, a Slovenian national company) in charge of hydroelectric production.
The first T1300s were installed in 2019 with notable success.
In 2022, thanks to its expertise in low-head hydroelectricity projects, Turbiwatt is launching its turnkey offer and is planning a new, even more, powerful range (the T2000).
As a designer with real know-how of turbines dedicated to low heads, as a French manufacturer and integrator of hydroelectric solutions with its integrated design office, Turbiwatt has become a major player in the energy transition.
Manufacturer of hydroelectric turbines
Energy from the source
Turn the potential energy of water into clean, sustainable and renewable energy
Our innovative and sustainable solutions maximise the energy efficiency of your hydropower project, while reducing your carbon footprint and preserving local ecosystems. Whether it’s a small or large project, we work with you every day to find the best solutions for you.
Hydroelectric design office
Commit to your project
The expertise of our engineers
The realisation of a hydroelectric project aiming at the installation of a Turbiwatt turbine requires the realisation of preliminary studies and in particular a feasibility study and an administrative study relating to the water right.
Turbiwatt supports you from start to finish, from the feasibility study to support and maintenance. We offer you full support, including potential and administrative studies as well as assistance in financing your project.
Turbiwatt’s innovation
Dedicated to low heads, the Turbiwatt had to be a Kaplan turbine. The flow rate absorbed by the Kaplan turbines depends on two constructional parameters; the adjustment of the guides and blades as well as the diameter of the propeller. It also depends on the head of the site which is imposed.
In order to respect our objectives of simplicity, robustness, economy, and standardization, our turbine has been freed from custom design and adjustments in operation.
The Turbiwatt is a constant flow turbine with, for each range, a fixed standard propeller and fixed guide vanes. The guide-blade adjustment torque is determined for each site to absorb the available flow for the given head.
The direct drive and the integrated generator complete the specifications of an optimized bulb design. The development of the high-efficiency generator adapted to the different sites becomes the cornerstone of our know-how.
Finally, we have developed our own electrical cabinets for coupling to the grid, allowing a complete solution for hydroelectric power generation.
Simple, robust, economical, and standardized, the Turbiwatt turbine has become, in a few years, the reference for the turbining of low waterfalls.
Our Values
Turbiwatt has an integrated engineering design office with a team of highly qualified engineers specialized in the following fields :
- Hydraulics
- Electricity
- Mechanics
- Industrial engineering
- Environment
Innovation is part of Turbiwatt’s DNA, from product development to operational excellence.
Made up of a team of people who are passionate about 21st century hydroelectricity, Turbiwatt has won numerous innovation awards:
Innovation and excellence
- 2018 Finalist of the competition organised by the Cercle de l’Arbalète in the framework of SOFLAB, a meeting place for technological and military anticipation
- 2017 Finalist of the “Clean Tech Open France” competition in the Energy category
- 2017 Finalist for the Moulin de la Bourre (Jura) in the “performance” category of the Trophées de la petite Hydro delivered at the “France Hydro Électricité” meetings
- 2017 Winner of the Energy Time Award, Eco-Energy Equipment category awarded by Premium Contact
- 2015 Finalist for the Innovation Prize (environment and energy category) awarded by the jury of the Salon des Maires et des Collectivités Locales
- 2014 Winner of the Innovation Trophies, Industry category, awarded by the CCI du Morbihan.
- 2013 Crisalide Trophy winner (innovative company under 3 years old), awarded by the Brittany Region
Our result-oriented team puts its energy into your project. We are experts in hydroelectricity and are versatile, guaranteeing you a qualitative and tailor-made follow-up.
The close cooperation between the parties involved in the project ensures that the deadlines and the quality of the work are met.
Your satisfaction is our top priority.
We offer you all our expertise and advice to guarantee the success of your hydroelectric project and short-term profitability.
You will benefit from the full support of a competent and attentive team.
Single point of contact
Turbiwatt can support you throughout your entire project:
- Feasibility studies ;
- Administrative procedures ;
- Specifications (detailed plans and global costing) ;
- Financing ;
- Coordination of the deployment;
- Connection to the national grid;
- Support, operation and maintenance.
Choosing Turbiwatt’s turnkey offer means controlling the entire project (budget and planning) thanks to the industrial expertise of a specialist in small hydroelectricity.